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Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 10:45 pm
by JPerkins
Hooked up my ER ES2-5 and I think its still breaking in.

Will update later.

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 9:32 am
by ShagMan
snoopdog wrote:The one you have is a needle wheel ? Never seen one in action i will have to check it out soon.
Come visit sometime :) You're what, about 2 minutes from my house? Just keep my phone # (from CPU fan post) and call before you come, I'm home most evenings from 4:30-on, and I'm sitting around the house most of the day today.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2003 2:55 am
by Xster
Brandon wrote:I can't imagine the *12*-2... that is a friggin huge skimmer.. bet the collection cup from that will smell ripe after a week of skimming.
Sorry about the delay in response. I get some really funky smell when cleaning it out after a week. Serious foul smell, maybe a result of my so-so heavy feeding. I don't know. Yeah, that skimmer is pretty big, but I think it was well worth the $450 I spent on it used of course.
snoopdog wrote:
I think you found your solution. That cup tube isnt in your sump is it ?
That tube that you see is actually the air intake for the needlewheel to produce the fine bubbles.