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Re: B&B Pets AGA tank sale

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:13 pm
by Squirrelboy
Just to throw it out there Progressive is or at least had been capable of drilling tanks. I havent made it there in a while because of their hours and my work hours but they also get used tanks in from time to time. Most of Bill's tank come from a supplier in Mississippi he has a good relationship with but he has branched out on occasion and Bill would shoot an employee for a dollar, not literally but you get the point, so he would prob order a tank if you have a certain brand in mind.

Re: B&B Pets AGA tank sale

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:31 pm
by opiy
The bad thing I found out recently about B&B is the employees are very limited. I went in a week or so after talking to Bill about ordering the tank and he wasn't there, so I talked to one of the employees. They told me the info was on some board in the back but they couldn't do anything to help me. Bill has to do it. Aww come on, he told me he would set it up in the computer the they could order it, but Nope. How annoying. Oh well I will try again soon and hopefully things will work out.

Re: B&B Pets AGA tank sale

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:31 am
by Fishfood
Yea beaver said he would drill that 65 but I need it drilled in the bottom. The 65 tub is going to be pushing it so as it is. You drill the back and add plumbing with unions, etc and it pushes it too far away from the wall.

Opiy, Why don't you talk to progressive about a tank. They just put an order in last week and will be doing another one before the sales ends. They are the same exact tanks. I think I'll be getting the tank the first week of March.