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Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:13 pm
by sb1227
Amy: Your somewhat....defensive stance was quite understandable, especially so early in the morning. :) It is very easy to read things into a post that may not have been intended as such when you're trying to get ready for work. I can't really speak for anyone else, but I do appreciate the work (and expense) you and Kevin have put into this, especially as busy as you are.

Buzz: I think Brandon and Melissa have some great ideas. (I'm a "two cents" kind of person, myself. :lol: ) I've been here for....I don't know...two or three years...ish, and have only gone to one meeting. Personally, my schedule made it very difficult to drive very far for them, and it's just as well, I don't mind having a drink, but I don't get drunk and am not really a party person. But for me, I was happy to see everyone else have a good time. The most important thing for me is this forum, as I can come here on my time and read and post. But I've always felt quite confident that if I ever needed any help or had an emergency there would be someone there to offer assistance in any way possible, and I would do the same. It does tend to slow down on here alot during the summer, but I do think there's been fewer people who want to give feedback to posts.

Clubs like this will have people leave, and new people come in, and hopefully they keep a balance of sorts. If the balance shifts, it tends to go from "the club that was" when alot of people left, to "the club that could be" with all the new people coming in. Just a little adjustment. It's nice to see you come in with a fresh, positive attitude. :) It's good to see a bit of life come back. I think you have some good ideas. I have to agree with the "a little more formal, but not too political" idea. Small, comfortable and friendly comes to mind. We've certainly seen what the alternative is like on most other forums.

All of us have been thru quite a bit in the last couple of years, seeing people lose so much does take something out of you. I'm not sure I've ever experienced anything even close to the feeling of losing that box of water you pour your effort and attention into. It has a grief quite all it's own. It's not as much disinterest, I think....but coping, of sorts. A year without a hurricane would do us all good. Maybe it'll be this year.

Think I'll shut up now. :D I would like to see MBRK keep going, whatever it takes.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:19 pm
by snoopdog
Seeing the pictures of Shauns white acros spread across his back yard is very disheartening(sp)...

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:26 pm
by sb1227
And you don't get over it quickly. I've questioned more than once whether I was doing the right thing setting up the new tank.


Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:10 pm
by JIM
:shock: :shock: :shock:
i havent posted in some time :oops:
i didnt know things were this bad.My response to all this is life,kids wife
summer, new job just busy!what is bad ive posted as much as ive water
changed(long damn time) well hope to hear back from everyone.


Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 1:47 pm
by enteri_00
Hi all I skimmed through all your responses and what not but didn't go into some I am new to this whole saltwater thing and it seems in the past it was big and can be big judging by the amount of posts in one day...I can't get online all the time but it would be an awesome opportunity to meet new people and swap frags out. Hell I don't even know some of the lingo...I cant even remember what sps or lps or any of that but being around people with common interest would be awesome especially since I go to a job and go home everyday not much opportunity there...but to meet other would be awesome..maybe this is a topic we should talk about in August at Andys. SAVY?

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 9:23 pm
by redpheonix
I think alot of the posting problem is that the older members who are no longer in the hobby have obviously stopped posting but also that new hobbiest dont know about the site. i have talked to multible people who are in the hobby and have never heard of the MBRK.. i try to tell anybody i run into about the forum especially any new hobbiest who are just getting started and who will have alot of questions... also most people only know of B&B as a saltwater dealer and dont know about Rich(Progressive Marine) or about Andy, or even the other stores like fatfish & waggytails on the eastern shore. We cant expect people to stay interested in the hobby unless we tell them and help guide them through rough times with there setups, because alot of people get discouraged when they have a problem with there tank and just cant figure out how to solve it.. thats where the forum comes in because a group of people can facilitate large quantities of questions better than a single person because of the combined knowledge that we as a group have... Also new hobbiest have a little trouble gaining interest in the hobby when they have to pay such high prices for corals, fish, ect. I know that people like rich and andy understand this because they started off as hobbiest, yes they are out to make money but dont try to take an arm and a leg in the process. frag trading and frag donation to new hobbiest helps peak there interest in the hobby and also helps give them something to enjoy while they learn about more delicate species of coral and fish. I hope that when you talk to people who are new to the hobby that you will tel them about MBRK because they will probably have alot of the same questions that you have had in the past... also help support your local distributors by referring people to there stores, 2 of the 3 local dealers do not advertise by any other means than word of mouth.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:26 am
by enteri_00
man I totally agree with red, I started off only knowing about B&B and didn't know about progressive and when I was told about progressive it took me half an hour to find it cause I didn't know where it was...all in all...the other stores are on the visit list and yes us new hobbyist have lots of questions and do look towards all of you for responses and guidance. I can't wait for the frag show cause man I don't have really anything to frag but I will bring what I got and hopefully leave with maybe 1 or 2 new corals that are small to watch grow. If I knew about this site before I jumped into the saltwater deal it would have been alot different...instead I just jumped in and prayed I didn't sink...this is a great forum and we definetly need to keep things going...also its a way for the new people to meet really good people like all of you...I am always looking for a way to meet new people with similar intrests as I am not a native mobilian...I look forward to any posts and meetings we have...kudos to the person who runs this site...goodness always comes back to those who give...have a good day all...thats my rant for today

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 11:19 pm
by SaltnLime
What's that you say....we getting the reef club back going?

Oh, and if I was one of the "property damagers" or "lack of respecters"....I am sorry. I enjoyed the reef club meetings, and while I am less hard core about reef keeping, I still appriciate the hobby and wish I had more contact with the club members........I think it has been over a year since I have had pigs in a blanket!!!! Dohhhhhh!

I liked having the meetings...even the one at my house..where my Gardenia fell victim to alcohol poisoning....... :P ... But seriously...I would like to see it start back up....we would all need to let bygones be bygones (that word looks weird) and give everyone a chance again...even the dumba**es (like me . :shock: :D

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 8:45 am
by snoopdog
SaltnLime wrote:Gardenia
Fitting end to one of those plants.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 9:27 am
by Amyjoe
You didn't do any damage at my house.... We have always loved having you over and your a hit at any meeting....

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 9:53 pm
by SaltnLime
Amyjoe wrote:You didn't do any damage at my house.... We have always loved having you over and your a hit at any meeting....
Cool...... I remember "most" of the meetings and could not remember tearing up anything :P I usually hold my Jim Beam well..... especially if I use my left hand :roll:

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 10:56 am
by Amyjoe
You didn't smoke pot in our bathroom either, with my kids here.....

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 2:51 pm
by SaltnLime
Amyjoe wrote:You didn't smoke pot in our bathroom either, with my kids here.....

:shock: :shock:

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 8:11 pm
by Deanna
I just wanted to say hi!! I know Josh and I don't post here because we don't have a tank anymore but I do miss the tank!! A lot...Luckily our next house will be built around the aquarium. I think the best advice I have seen is to have the meetings every few months cause it does burn you out. And as you can see I do browse the forum still. And for the newbies, dont get discouraged about the club being in a low. Good luck on the meetings!


Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 9:26 pm
by KrazyPlace
Well, I figure if Deanna can still post, then I can too! :wink: I know I'm not still in Mobile, but I agree with Deanna.... meetings/parties each month was just plain burn out. I had the one meeting at my house and we enjoyed it. You guys may want to think about skipping every other month.

Why change the club up now? Kevin and Amy started what I think is the perfect club for a small town. Dues, minutes, more structure? just leave it be. :D

Oh well, just my 2 cents.