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Planning for a large tank but...

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:28 pm
by opiy
In the house im getting there is this second den. I was going to make this my tank room since id really have no other use for it. Plus its right beside the laundry room which would make it more convienient for various reasons.

My question is I plan on getting a larger tank at some point after I move in to replace the 29g I have now. I was thinking of something a little larger maybe 180g . Something about 200+ seems scary to me for some reason but 180 seems fine. Im wondering with a tank that size, do you guys think the maintenence or up keep is very expensive? Is that size somewhat easy to take care of without buying a set of scuba gear?
I know all the equipment will cost me more and would need more LR and LS. I think I can afford it after its all set up, im just worried if it would be a pain in the butt down the road. I was thinking of the 180g Oceanic tank.

Please make any comment on the thread that you feel will help any. Give me the pros and cons to a larger tank. How much cost or maintanence is involved with one etc.

Thanks Larry

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:39 pm
by Snakeman
I wouldn't think so. You will have to use more salt on water changes and whatever additives you dose with. Upkeep shouldn't be anymore trouble just more glass to clean. I would love to have a bigger tank.

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:43 pm
by Snakeman
You should ask Xster or Tbmoore they have had 240gal tanks for awhile. Also reeferpuffer has a 180 gal. They can tell you more than I can. My tank is a 92 gal and the upkeep is really easy, I just wipe the glass and dump the skimmer every few days and add B-ionic everynight that's it. I do have a auto water topoff so I don't have to worry about topping off.

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 5:12 pm
by opiy
great cant wait to hear what they have to say about it also. thanks

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 5:42 pm
by Scott
I think larger water changes, more power consumption, more bulbs to change every year, having to change RO filters more often, cost of salt and having to fill it with corals are things to keep in mind.

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 6:45 pm
by ShagMan
Here's the deal...

1) you're gonna spend a BOATLOAD on setting it up... mine was done in the cheapest way possible, and it cost me about $3k to get setup. That means I homebuilt all the electrics, the stand/canopy, plumbing, etc... and this didn't include rock or livestock.

2) you're gonna see some power usage. I have a dedicated 30 amp circuit running my setup. Yes, you'll see it on your power bill :)

Still with me?

To answer your question about running a tank this size, outside of the power bill and the initial setup, it's AWESOME... I scrub my glass once in a while, feed daily, and do maintenence (filter changes, skimmer/refuge cleanup) about once every few weeks at the soonest. This is by far the easiest to maintain tank I've ever had.

There's a thread on this site somewhere, with a ton of pics, on my setup... it's a 240G, both sides viewable... it's basicly just like Terry's, but isn't NEAR as pretty :) :)

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 8:36 pm
by KrazyPlace
If you're worried about the 'time' it takes to keep up a tank that large, then I'd consider a CO2 reactor upfront. Talk to Josh about how much 2-part additive he has to add to his tank each day just to keep up with the consumption. Then talk to Terry about how easy and cheap it is to keep the CO2 reactor running. I think he does maintenance about once every 6 months or so. Don't forget the controller too.

I would also setup a auto-top-off system too. That gets rid of that daily ritual.

John has a drain located near his tank to help with water changes. I like that idea too. Personally I'd setup a high level overflow directly to the drain!

Feeding... look into a blender mix of everything so you don't have to target feed all the kick ass corals you’re going to put in that monster.

Automate all the lights!

Don't forget the refrigerator too. It's for all the beers your going to drink while your watching your tank and not doing all that maintenance!

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 9:14 pm
by opiy
sweet thanks for the replys !! :D

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 6:24 pm
by tbmoore
Time wise if it is set up right it is not much more trouble than a 100gal. I think the trick is to set it up right and then just keep on top of it do not get behind...I went to Africa for a month twice this yr with no problems and all I had was someone feeding and wiping down the glass everyday.

Cost wise the setup and buying the corals is where it hits you...after that ...again if it is set up right with a reactor ect...not too bad...more lights and higher watts...little more money..and with that your really need a chiller....but salt is not that high and that is only once a month.

So yes bigger tank is more expensive to run but well worth it and not overwelming.

Again the setup is where it really hits you....Here is a deal listed in the buy and sell area which is a real good buy and with all the corals, ro/di water maker, chiller, fish, magahony stand, one complete package...the picture is over a yr old so more corals and of course more growth buy you will get the idea.

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 6:50 pm
by opiy
you think he/she would come down at all on price? if its still for sale in 2 to 3 months I might have to talk to this person. I have to wait till I buy my house and get moved and settled but that is tempting. Thanks for the link and response.


Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 7:09 pm
by tbmoore
I doubt if they will come down but holding it with a deposite maybe.....I do not know them that well ...have only seen them once or twice this yr. and have not seen the tank since oct. You would have to call and talk to them....

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 8:35 pm
by opiy
I know you said you didtn know him that well but is his real name Hula or that his screen name? And does he have an email address that you know of?

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 3:54 am
by tbmoore
He is called Hula and wife is sandy...owns a fiberglass / boat repair bus...I just met him thru the hobby at a fish store.

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 6:24 am
by opiy
Great thanks