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Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 6:41 pm
by Scott
I don't think it's overblown at all. The thing is that you get different kinds of light from different types of lighting. The 150w DE bulbs put out a good amount of PAR even moreso if you consider PAR/watt. Some believe that T-5 bulbs are better for your inhabitants than VHO's. This comparison was using a 54w T-5 and a 110w VHO. There is some specualtion that the method was flawed (I can't remember where I saw the study) but there has to be some merit in it. I think that if you want to keep your corals alive then lighting is not too important, if you want your corals to thrive then it is very important (probably secondary only to water quality).

1. 250w ballast: $60 a piece locally, $49.14 at but with shipping would be about the same so $120 for 2.
2. Fulham WH7: $25 (one year ago in Birmingham) but $35.95 at ... 00103.html so $40 with shipping
3. VHO endcaps and stand offs: $15.70 at for 2 $31.40
4. URI 110w actinics: $20.95 at for 2 $40.90
5. Mogul sockets and reflectors: $29.95 at for 2 $39.90
6. 250w XM 10kk bulb: $65 at for 2 $130

=$402 then some shipping that I didn't factor in and you would still need a breaker box from HD and two short outdoor extenion cords and some wire nuts but it would come close.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 7:03 pm
by Phisher
Obviously the jury is still out, prob to stay, on this one. Lighting is for sure one of the most import factor in keeping/growing healthy corals. And you can add 1000w of light to a tank and be SURE your providing sufficeint light.

My point is that as the hobby changes; methods change. More scientific studies are being done now than in the past, most of which go larglely unnoticed, and new observances are being made.


Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 7:19 pm
by Scott
Very true, there are too many scientific types in the hobby now testing and critiquing methods and each other (just search Zeovit or bare bottom on RC). It gets to a point where you don't know who is right anymore.
Several years ago power compacts were the bulb of choice then VHO's and now T-5's. All are good in there own right and each has a following. I wish I had a 1000 watt ballast, then I would know that my tank is getting enough light. I have used pc's, vho's, 175w halides, 250w halides and 400w halides. I think the 250's are the best choice. They produce fair PAR at lower levels (up to ~20 inches) and won't cause the wife to blow a seal when the power bill comes. I would like to try 250 DE but doubt I will any time soon. My point is that you can keep corals under normal output florescents but it won't thrive.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 9:20 pm
by dave3112
Thanks for the info scott. it is really helpful. I think I can build a retro fit from the helio lights site for about $485+shipping and not have to deal with wiring myself. I do that all day on aircraft. Thanks once again.

As for the amount of light thing I could go crazy and put 2 250MH,3 175MH,2 110 VHO, And 230 PC. Since I will have the equiptment but I think that is a little excessive plus my power bill would be more than my rent. California power is quite expensive and not to mention that it gets to be 120 degrees in the summer. I will be content with around 6 watts per gallon :wink:
