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Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:47 pm
by GermanShepherdGirl
Has anyone ever gone to a coral reef (anywhere in the world) and brought back live rock or other things and put it in your tank? We are planning a trip to the bahamas this spring. I would like to bring back some live rock to put in my tank. I know I'll have to put it in some kind of sealed container or bag to keep it "alive". But is it legal to take this and bring it back to the states? We're gonna either fly there or take a cruise there. On my honeymoon cruise they always scanned your bags when you got back on the ship. So my main question is....will I be allowed to take this? I would at least like to bring back some live rock. I know it wouldn't be likely to keep other things alive.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 5:15 pm
by lwready
If the US Customs and Immigration people find the "booty" they will likely confiscate it. We brought a live conch shell back one time so it is possible, just the luck of the draw.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 8:41 pm
by SixLDfalcon
I'm not sure, but are the Bahamas a US territory? If so then I would think you wouldnt have too much trouble. If it isnt, well hide the rock well.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 9:11 pm
by Fishfood
Zach, You need to finish those geography classes. I don't think you will be able to bring anything home on the trip. The only live rock coming out of the caribbean that I know of is the aquacultured stuff. I have some of the last florida keys live rock that was probably allowed for collection. It was in my tank at my parents house for the last 15 yrs or so.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 9:25 pm
by sb1227
I think you would be smart just to buy some live rock. :)

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 9:35 pm
by Amphiprion
I don't think you want to do that. It is a 250-500,000 DOLLAR fine for bringing back unpermitted objects from the bahamas. Collection of any animal, coral, plant, shell, etc. is absolutely prohibited. Customs takes this VERY seriously. The Bahamas are an autonomous country, in no real way affiliated with the U.S. (except the tourist trade, unofficially)--so you would be bringing items from a foreign country. Just go there, enjoy the scenery. I went there a while back and saw quite a lot: Acropora palmata, Porites stands, Siderastrea, gorgonia (lots), fire coral, feather dusters, blue jewel damsels, black triggerfish, sergeant majors, some kind of Hemiramphid, sharks, rays, blue head wrasses, princess parrot fish, cuban and spanish hogfish, seagrass beds, and I could go on forever.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 12:09 am
by GermanShepherdGirl
Amphiprion wrote:It is a 250-500,000 DOLLAR fine for bringing back unpermitted objects from the bahamas. .
Well that sucks. And I definitely can't afford to pay a fine like that. You would think that since it's just a rock that it wouldn't be that big of a deal. I wish I could find some way to get some rock back home but I probably won't risk it. I just thought it would be cool to get a few pieces of live rock to put in my tank and be able to say I dove for it in the Bahamas.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 6:33 am
by Brian
If you really want to find out if it is legal or not then just go to the US customs when you arrive and ask them. If you floy in then you will arrive in this older building that is run by the Bahamas. When you walk out of that building look to your left and you will see a nice newer looking building. The US Customs are inside this building. Just see if you can ask them the question and see what they will say. It will only take a few minutes to hear it for yourself and find out what is permitted and not permitted. I use to bring in stuff that I was not suppose to through the US Customs in the Bahamas because they really did not care. Ex: cuban cigars, cuban rum, many other cuban things that I got in Cuba while visiting my in-laws.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:00 am
by GermanShepherdGirl
Thanks! I'll ask them when I go. I think you are actually permitted to bring cigars and alcohol out of the country...but only a certain amount. I remember reading that on the Bahamas web site yesterday.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:07 am
by mykpoz
Fishfood wrote:Zach, You need to finish those geography classes. I don't think you will be able to bring anything home on the trip. The only live rock coming out of the caribbean that I know of is the aquacultured stuff. I have some of the last florida keys live rock that was probably allowed for collection. It was in my tank at my parents house for the last 15 yrs or so.
there are companies today that are licensed to farm LR in the keys area... although all rock has to be deposited by them, and they have to do a host of other things.

One company that had operations and were sanctioned to sell this was unfortunitly wilma hindered their operation.

I do know that when me and Sharon picked up the rock, we had a package of papers showing how we got the rock, and that we were allowed to have it etc etc etc... it was a bunch of information.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:20 am
by Fishfood
mykpoz wrote:
Fishfood wrote:Zach, You need to finish those geography classes. I don't think you will be able to bring anything home on the trip. The only live rock coming out of the caribbean that I know of is the aquacultured stuff. I have some of the last florida keys live rock that was probably allowed for collection. It was in my tank at my parents house for the last 15 yrs or so.
there are companies today that are licensed to farm LR in the keys area... although all rock has to be deposited by them, and they have to do a host of other things.

One company that had operations and were sanctioned to sell this was unfortunitly wilma hindered their operation.

I do know that when me and Sharon picked up the rock, we had a package of papers showing how we got the rock, and that we were allowed to have it etc etc etc... it was a bunch of information.
Thats what I ment by the aquacultured stuff. They quary rock and dump it into the gulf and let nature take is course. There is another company called tampa bay live rock or something like that who does this as well. I heard the stuffed is covered with life, but many people get those pesty mantis shrimp in the stuff, and it isn't exactly light compaired to the stuff coming from the pacific.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:29 am
by GermanShepherdGirl
mykpoz wrote:I heard the stuffed is covered with life, but many people get those pesty mantis shrimp in the stuff, and it isn't exactly light compaired to the stuff coming from the pacific.
That's what I'm hoping for is lots of different life on the rock. I'd love to have a mantis. I have an empty 5 gallon sitting next to my 75 that I'd love to put a mantis in. Right now the only inhabitants in my 5 gallon are bristle worms, copepods, and some of those little star fish that supposedly eat corals.

Even if I could get a few small pieces I'd be happy. They don't have to be very big. I have some dead acros and a good sized dead brain coral that my uncle got while diving in Miami about 20 years ago in my tank. They are basically being used as live rock. The dead brain is pretty heavy. I'd like to get some zoas growing on it.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:45 am
by mykpoz
where are you leaving from?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:47 am
by Brian
GermanShepherdGirl wrote:Thanks! I'll ask them when I go. I think you are actually permitted to bring cigars and alcohol out of the country...but only a certain amount. I remember reading that on the Bahamas web site yesterday.
Oh no. Cuban goods are not legal to bring into the US no matter what. Especially cuban cigars and rum. It is just I have been to Cuba so many times the customs officers kinda knew me so after the first few times checking me and seeing I am honest with them and stuff, they just kinda let me go the next times. I was going a few times each month. They asked me what I had and I justtold them the truth that I have cuban cigars given to me by my in-laws and they did not care. But it is not legal no matter what.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:49 am
by GermanShepherdGirl
I don't know yet when we are going or any details. It hasn't been planned. We just know we are going sometime in the next 6 months. 2 of our friends got a bunch of Wendy's cups so we can get free roundtrip plan tickets. Mikey wants to go to the Bahamas because he wants to scuba dive in the reefs there....he recently set up a tank. So we just started making plans. It has to be in the next 6 months before he has to go to Iraq....he is in the reserves.