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Nothin' cuter than..

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 11:10 am
by sb1227
Baby fish. Yeah, little furry critters are cute....but there's something to be said for looking in your tank and seeing tiny baby fish swimming around. It seems to be yet again the season for the Purple Emperor Tetras to breed. I feel a little bad because I took out a bunch of plants yesterday and noticed the little guys this morning, hopefully there werent any fry or eggs on the ones I took out.

Wouldn't you know, the 37 gal planted is the lowest ph, most algae infested, low water flow, worst filtration tank in this house. But it's obviously the most popular breeding tank and the oldest one here. The only problem is the last thing I need in that tank are more Emperors. :lol: Anyone need a few fish? :P