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90 Gallon part two

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 8:11 pm
by sb1227
I guess it should be part 3 or 4 really. :lol: So I finally got tired of the overgrown mess and decided to put a little focus on the ol' plant tank. I must have changed about 70 gallons of water in a few vacuumings/plant removal sessions. Took out about 3 five gallon buckets of plants, cleaned both big filters twice let it sit to clear a few days. I got a beautiful piece of Mopani driftwood from a guy in Gulfport, the thing is about 3' long and has a cool "circle" in the middle about a foot high and is loaded with Anubias.
I ran a dose of Pimafix and Melafix, and after about a week and a half I added 25 Cardinals and 2 baby Coradoras Sterbai. Here's a pic so far, they new plants aren't here yet. I have some tall, grassy types to go behind the middle of the wood to cover the heaters and CO2 reactor, and some mosses to be attatched to the wood, as well as a few other goodies.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:11 pm
by DrHank
Is that really fish I see in your tank? :lol: I can't believe the differance. Where do the fish hide now? :? Looks good!!! :D

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:45 pm
by sb1227
Give it a few weeks. :lol: It is nice to see the Catfish, I was surprised they were still in there. I'll add some more whenever I can find some.

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 10:12 am
by Amphiprion
Looks cleared, Sue! I hear you on that--mine looked just as bare and filled in in no time. I just have to change the water this time. I definitely want to see pics of the new ones. Where are you planning on letting the HC carpet out?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 2:20 pm
by sb1227
I ordered it two weeks ago, I guess I need to send an email. They only ship on Monday and Tuesday, so I gave them this week to see. This is the first time I've ordered from Aquaspot World, I think they're in Singapore. So far they've been great with responses, we'll see. I just want the plants.

Poor tanks seems quite bare right now. :lol: I have told myself I'll be better about not letting it get so overgrown, but I'm not so sure I believe me. :P