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Male niger trigger

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 4:53 pm
by flricordia
Looking to find a new home for an aggressive male niger. It is about 5"+, red teeth, streamers on tail, beautiful fish. Downgrading for a time. Make offer and come get it or I can meet you in Pensacola.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 6:20 pm
by Amphiprion
How do you know it is male? They don't have any form of external sexual dimorphism. Males and females both match those characteristics.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 6:41 pm
by DrHank
If I'm not mistaken, the streamers are indicative of the male. Females don't have them. Makes it tough to sex them until they have grown some. Same holds true of Naso Tangs.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 9:29 pm
by Amphiprion
Actually, all Odonus niger adults have the long streamers. You can see that in pictures of shoals of them. That was why I was asking/doubting how to tell otherwise.


Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 5:23 am
by flricordia
Amphiprion wrote:How do you know it is male? They don't have any form of external sexual dimorphism. Males and females both match those characteristics.
Were you interested in it or just wanting to make an argument about male/female niger trigger differences? This thread is about a male niger trigger offered to a good home, not the sexual characteristics of triggers. That needs to be posted in the proper forum. Thanks.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 12:48 pm
by Amphiprion
Nope, just saying it's BS :wink: . Hope you find a good home for it.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 3:41 pm
by flricordia
Amphiprion wrote:Nope, just saying it's BS :wink: . Hope you find a good home for it.
Why are you here? This is not your thread and you have no right to say that hee. If you want to strart your own thread that is fine, but I do not appreciate you coming here and saying anything is BS. No one invited you, you invited your self so you could at least have the common decency to respect others posts, but maybe you are one of those know-it-alls that has to have his nose in everything. Leave my thread. You are not welcome. You want to start trouble go somewhere else. I am tired of ass holes popping up on threads and putting their noses where they are not invited. I bet you put many threads down and strut your stuff as a know-it-all. Go away please.
Please try to understand, this is my thread, go somewhere else, OK? I said this is a male, what makes you think you can come in here and refute that? You have not even seen it dope-head.
And you post a pic of some fish in the sea that you probably down-loaded (stole) and what? Trying to make yourself out to be an expert? An expert would have come and looked at the fish.
And I don't know but I think you are the Progessive marine owner or something? That don't mean squat to me. Leave your nose out of other peoples business when you don't know what you are talking about.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 5:39 pm
by Fishfood
I didn't take it that way at all. I took it as someone who knows something about the fish asking a simple question. You turned around and busted his balls about it which made it an issue.

Its just like when i sold my blue jaw trigger to dr. hank. I posted it as a male but said it no longer had the male coloration. Dr. hank did some research and came across some info that stated the blue jaws may actually change male to female.

Here is something from wetwebmedia. granted its one persons response to the question but someone who's opinion/knowledge most of us would value more than others.

"In Absence of Sexual Dimorphism, How Does One Go About Sexing Odonus niger? 11/7/05
Hi there,
I just have one really quick question regarding the red tooth triggerfish or Odonus niger.
Do you know how to sex this fish? Sorry what i mean is do you know how to tell a male from a female any help would greatly be appreciated, Jarryd
<Mmm, nope... as far as I'm aware this fish cannot be readily sexually differentiated externally. In the wild I've only encountered O. niger singly or in large, loose aggregations (never seen reproductive behavior). Bob Fenner>"

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 6:36 pm
by flricordia
Fish is sold

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 9:03 pm
by Amphiprion
flricordia wrote: Why are you here? This is not your thread and you have no right to say that hee. If you want to strart your own thread that is fine, but I do not appreciate you coming here and saying anything is BS. No one invited you, you invited your self so you could at least have the common decency to respect others posts, but maybe you are one of those know-it-alls that has to have his nose in everything. Leave my thread. You are not welcome. You want to start trouble go somewhere else. I am tired of ass holes popping up on threads and putting their noses where they are not invited. I bet you put many threads down and strut your stuff as a know-it-all. Go away please.
Please try to understand, this is my thread, go somewhere else, OK? I said this is a male, what makes you think you can come in here and refute that? You have not even seen it dope-head.
And you post a pic of some fish in the sea that you probably down-loaded (stole) and what? Trying to make yourself out to be an expert? An expert would have come and looked at the fish.
And I don't know but I think you are the Progessive marine owner or something? That don't mean squat to me. Leave your nose out of other peoples business when you don't know what you are talking about.
You are blowing things out of proportion. I wanted to know if I was missing something-- a piece of information I was unaware of that someone else managed to find (since it hasn't been scientifically recorded). It was academic curiosity. After your first response, however, I became aggravated with your tone, which then struck me as though you were trying to get away with something (possibly false advertisement). It was never a suspicion until after that response.

First off, the picture is not mine--it is a direct link to a website that happens to show a large group of these fish. It has free rights (since it can be posted) and you can follow the link under "properties" to see it in the original context. I was just trying to show that lunate, streaming tails are the norm for all of the adults (hence the shoal). I fail to see how that makes me into an expert. I will say, however, that I have seen my fair share of adults over the years. The only differences I have seen/noted between them are only regional, not sexual dichromatism to my knowledge. But that is only my personal experience and what I have retrieved from many sources. Secondly, you are correct that I was uninvited, but I don't need to be invited. This is a forum open to the public, no matter how you look at it. People have said unsatisfactory things in my thread (I don't think on this forum, but certainly others), but I don't complain because it is open to the public.

For the record, I do not own Progressive Marine, I only work there. If you knew me, you'd realize that I am not a rude person, nor do I question something unreasonably. I apologize you feel the way you do about what I had to say, even throwing in insults on my character (even though you know absolutely zero about me). We can simply agree to disagree.

(I appreciate you being the understanding one, Fishfood).

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 5:50 pm
by flricordia
Amphiprion wrote:
flricordia wrote: Why are you here? This is not your thread and you have no right to say that hee. If you want to strart your own thread that is fine, but I do not appreciate you coming here and saying anything is BS. No one invited you, you invited your self so you could at least have the common decency to respect others posts, but maybe you are one of those know-it-alls that has to have his nose in everything. Leave my thread. You are not welcome. You want to start trouble go somewhere else. I am tired of ass holes popping up on threads and putting their noses where they are not invited. I bet you put many threads down and strut your stuff as a know-it-all. Go away please.
Please try to understand, this is my thread, go somewhere else, OK? I said this is a male, what makes you think you can come in here and refute that? You have not even seen it dope-head.
And you post a pic of some fish in the sea that you probably down-loaded (stole) and what? Trying to make yourself out to be an expert? An expert would have come and looked at the fish.
And I don't know but I think you are the Progessive marine owner or something? That don't mean squat to me. Leave your nose out of other peoples business when you don't know what you are talking about.
You are blowing things out of proportion. I wanted to know if I was missing something-- a piece of information I was unaware of that someone else managed to find (since it hasn't been scientifically recorded). It was academic curiosity. After your first response, however, I became aggravated with your tone, which then struck me as though you were trying to get away with something (possibly false advertisement). It was never a suspicion until after that response.

First off, the picture is not mine--it is a direct link to a website that happens to show a large group of these fish. It has free rights (since it can be posted) and you can follow the link under "properties" to see it in the original context. I was just trying to show that lunate, streaming tails are the norm for all of the adults (hence the shoal). I fail to see how that makes me into an expert. I will say, however, that I have seen my fair share of adults over the years. The only differences I have seen/noted between them are only regional, not sexual dichromatism to my knowledge. But that is only my personal experience and what I have retrieved from many sources. Secondly, you are correct that I was uninvited, but I don't need to be invited. This is a forum open to the public, no matter how you look at it. People have said unsatisfactory things in my thread (I don't think on this forum, but certainly others), but I don't complain because it is open to the public.

For the record, I do not own Progressive Marine, I only work there. If you knew me, you'd realize that I am not a rude person, nor do I question something unreasonably. I apologize you feel the way you do about what I had to say, even throwing in insults on my character (even though you know absolutely zero about me). We can simply agree to disagree.

(I appreciate you being the understanding one, Fishfood).
I do appologive for what it is worth. This is a male I am almost 100% sure of and my rudness had nothing to do with you direct. I had had a terrible day with my mother being sick and having to try and comfort her, taking my dog to a vet for a bad ear infection only to be told it would cost $250 to treat, and myself just getting over an ear infection that only cost $20 to treat. But I guess it really stemmed for one of the forums I visit and there seems to always be someone that wants to throw your post out the window as though you don't know what you are talking about and only they do and really has nothing to do with what the thread is about. This was a thread about selling a male Niger, not whether it is male or female. To question it was to say I did not know what I was talking about, but you did, and I could not tell the difference as though I do not know anything about marine biology and that I guess got to me since I have the fish in my possession and you have not seen it.

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 6:42 pm
by Amphiprion
Hey, everyone has bad days. I apologize if I came across rudely to begin with. It is difficult to convey certain tones, etc. when typing vs. actually speaking, so some misunderstandings are inevitable.

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 7:05 pm
by chrisalmand
Wow, I wish people could actually man up and apologize on some of th other sites.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 1:11 pm
by Scootman
I agree with Chris....

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 2:56 pm
by snoopdog
Yep, agreed.

Or maybe I agree to disagree, who knows.

It has been a hell of a week though.