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Another Aiptasia-eating fish

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 12:35 am
by Amphiprion
I recently came across a lovely little fish known as the bristletailed filefish (Acreichthys tomentosus). They aren't seen terribly often in the hobby, but they are noted by European aquarists to aggressively eat Aiptasia. I actually went out on a limb and purchased one of these little rarities on LiveAquaria to see if they would be reef safe and live up to the hype. After a few weeks, there are very few individuals of Aiptasia left--a few small, isolated ones remain for now. Anyway, this fish doesn't seem to touch any of the corals that I currently have, several of which are usually prime targets, including Goniopora, Cyphastrea, Trachyphyllia, and assorted "SPS" corals. None are worse for wear, nor have I ever observed the fish picking on anything. Granted, I don't have the huge assortment that some may have, so mileage may vary in terms of what will be picked on. It will also vary by individual to another degree, as well. Just letting everyone who doesn't already know about these guys, in case peppermint shrimp don't work and butterflies are not a good option for you. Another plus about these fish is that not only do they eat Aiptasia and are reasonably reef safe, but they stay small at ~3" and are extremely peaceful.

(not mine):

Re: Another Aiptasia-eating fish

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 6:24 am
by Neuticle
Very cool man, B&B had one on Monday, I felt bad for the little guy, no doubt he'll go to somebody who doesn't appreciate him like you do.

Re: Another Aiptasia-eating fish

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 4:03 am
by Jahdiel
Wow that is to cool! Beautiful fish also. If anyone hears of another one around please post or call me.
Thanks for the info Andrew

Re: Another Aiptasia-eating fish

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:26 pm
by rkelley_10
B&B had a bristletail filefish which they aptly named "aptasia-eating filefish" for $30 on Saturday. Almost got it but I have too many inverts.

Re: Another Aiptasia-eating fish

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:46 pm
by Crustman
Sounds good. I don't know if I would trust one though for a reef tank. What will he eat when the Aiptasia is gone? Do they eat majanos? Good luck with him

Re: Another Aiptasia-eating fish

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:16 pm
by rkelley_10
They've been reputed to eat majanos. They love crustaceans though, especially shrimp. I'm still trying to catch a falco hawkfish and remove him from my tank. Any ideas? Have already tried the homemade bottle trap and fishing with a hook?