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Re: Thinking...

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 7:55 pm
by Snakeman
That good to hear Scott. Yes I'm still your local Forest Ranger.

Re: Thinking...

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:55 pm
by Scott
Well, I've hit a few snags. First, my job just got a lot more demanding, which is fine by itself because I actually like my job 95% of the time. But it also looks like I will be moving in the near future. Luckily it's not close (Lucedale, MS) but it's still something foreboding that will require either I move an established tank or wait. I do not have the time line for the transition yet but also between now and then I have to go meetings/classes/conferences in Greenville, NC for a couple of days, Houston for a couple of days and possible San Diego, not to mention if I have to go out of town to actually work. I am definitely setting up another thank though, I realized when I was trying to put something together how much I had missed the hobby.