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Interested in purchasing frags...

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 1:43 pm
by markm
Hey guys, I just moved back to the area a couple months ago after being away for 7 years in Virginia and have been into SPS & Reefkeeping for about 5 years now. I just discovered this forum while reading my regular RC Forums, and decided to check it out. Wasn't really sure if there was a big saltwater interest in the area, but i'm very impressed with the site! I'm located across the bay from Mobile in Baldwin County.

Unfortunately I had to sell off most my livestock before moving down :cry: :cry: :cry: , and am interested in purchasing some SPS frags from anyone who has some available. If you want to contact me via email with what you have to offer, my email is


Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 1:54 pm
by ShagMan
No frags here, but I have cheap sand for sale (check other board area) if you're just setting your tank up.

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 2:20 pm
by Amyjoe
Reeferpuffer might have somethings you may be interested in look at his pruning post.

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 2:27 pm
by Scott
Ken in Destin has the largest assortment of SPS frags. I have gotten some really nice things in the past and will be heading his way for more when I get my new tank up and running. He has a 300 gallon SPS dominated tank.

I am glad to see someone else here that is interested in SPS. Do you have any now? What is your set up like? I am setting up a SPS tank now and would like someone to tell me what they think of my set up.


Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 4:01 pm
by Xster
Hi Mark, and welcome to If you are interested in driving to Biloxi, MS, you are welcome to come by my place. I am sure I have some sps colonies that might be of interest that I can frag for you. We can work out soemthing when and if you come by.


Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 5:16 pm
by Scott
I am sure I have some sps colonies that might be of interest
That is an understatement. I would like to have one of everything that John has in his house tank.

And thanks to JPerkins for that thread on RC. I saw it too.


Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 6:32 pm
by Xster
Scott wrote: And thanks to JPerkins for that thread on RC. I saw it too.
What thread? :?

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 6:41 pm
by Scott
In the SPS forum on Reef Central. Nepthea started it wondering if there were any SPS keepers in the panhandle area of Florida.

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 6:53 pm
by Xster

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 6:58 pm
by Scott
That's the one I saw. Markm, where was the post that you saw? The is another SPS keeper in Mobile, but I have only met him once at the last meeting.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 1:07 am
by markm
Yeah the post where i read about MBRK was the one asking if there were any SPS people in the panhandle of FL.

John : I'd definitely be intersted in driving out to Biloxi... ( i think Biloxi is less than a 2 hr drive for me ) lemme know when or how we can work something out, whatcha have, whatcha wanna get for frags.. etc. email might be more convinent.

Who was the person in Destin ? If he's reading this, do you still have colonies or frags for sale ?

I don't have any SPS right now unfortunately, we traded them back to a LFS for credit before we moved down. I had a couple monti's, acropora secale, a lightblue acropora sp., and a Seriatopora colony, but moving 13 hrs via moving truck with SPS wasn't gonna work... I did bring all my LR, some tank water, all my fish, and a huge frogspawn that my 2 clowns are bonded to. So if anyone needs any tips on moving, I can help out, we had no fatalities = )

My current setup is :
65 gal
400w 20k radium
120w actnic PC supplement
10 gal refugium, ls, lr, only halimeda in currently ( probably going to remove when i get some sps back in the tank )
about 100 lbs of LR
4" DSB, i forget weight.. maybe 150 lbs ?
I rotate carbon every month with some pantyhose & an old torn up trickle filter.
Single chamber calc reactor
Circulation - 2 mj12's, 2 rio600's
all water is ro/di ..

that's about it
Still trying to convince my wife to lemme get a 90gal. = )

nice to meet u all = P

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 8:03 am
by Fishfood
The individual in Destin always seems to have frags for sale. I have been wanting to get by his place myself. I have a 55 gal tank currently and have 25-30 different SPS in my tank. Unfortionately they are mostly frag size at the moment. I have a few things that i might be able to break up soon. I'm always looking for new sps frags. Actually I'd like to get a hold of a nice purple and green monti digita.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 8:36 am
by Snakeman
Markm what part of Baldwin County do you live in. Brandon and Myself live in Bay Minette and Reeferpuffer lives in Daphne. It's good to have another member in Baldwin Co. It seem like most of the members live in Mobile. Welcome aboard. You might want to try Progessive in west mobile, you can get some good deals sometimes. I'm not sure how much sps Rich has but he has a lot of coral. I'm going to try to get over there this week if I get a chance. Your welcome to tag along if you want. I'll probably go one evening, Maybe today.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 8:39 am
by Xster
Hi Mark,

Check out the pics here:

Brandon, another member here, was kind enough to take all of those pics during our September meeting at my house. As far as prices are concerned just let me know what you are interested in, and I will gladly let you know. I do have other th9ings that y0ou can not see in those pictures. Feel free to PM or email me at [email][email]

Welcome to the area, well sort of. :D


Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 8:46 am
by Snakeman
MarkM just take some beer to Johns house and let me drink a few and then negotiate price you'll probably get them for free. John is a lite weight drinker.