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New Mod to cpr skimmer

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 10:15 pm
by finaddict
Just thought I would share this trick to anyone with a CPR skimmer or eqivalent. You can really do This to any skimmer that works off of a Venturi, I'm currently doing it to my Berlin skimmer. First use a maxijet powerhead with the strainer cone attached. Cut or drill a hole in the cone so that you will be able to run a 1/4 inch airline tubing through it. Now try to slide the airline through the hole to where it just barely touches the impeller wheel. Just be careful not to get to close as you can imagine the noise it will make if it hits the blade. After you have done that just put a control valve on the other end and adjust it to your liking. It works much better this way than the pump that comes with CPRs and As said before it will work on any skimmer, just as long as you can get the airline into the pump intake. Now this is not my Idea, or creation just something that I came across one day searching for infinite Knowledge of this hobby.

Good luck
Jeff Feel free to email with any questions

did about the same mod on my mag5 and cprsr4

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 6:03 pm
i did about the same mod on my mag5 pump and skimmer i finally got a new digi cam so i can post pics later tonight i have to redo it as i didnt have any epoxy and i had it a little rigged to get it to work but man alive it foames like crazy for about 2 weeks it was real wet foam but now it has gone to a good dry foam

ill post a good walk through with all the tools and the 20 min it took me later tonight or this weekend

