Reef Invertebrates

Read a good reef book lately ? Lets hear about it.

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Reef Invertebrates

Post by opiy »

This is another awesome book. Gives alot of info on LR, LS, clams shrimp, algea, refugiums, worms, sponges, stars, urchins, cucumbers etc etc..

I only had this book a few days so havent had much time to sit and read it good but what I have read is awesome!

400pgs Anthony Calfo and Robert Fenner 2003
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Post by snoopdog »

Sounds like a nice book to curl up to.
"When they was no meat we ate fowl, when there was no fowl we ate crawdad. And when there was no crawdad to be found, we ate sand."--Cellmate
"You ate what?"--H.I.
"We ate sand."--Cellmate
"You ate sand?"--H.I.
"That's right."--Cellmate
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Post by reeferpuffer »

sounds good
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