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Post by KrazyPlace »

andy4499 wrote:I will have to pick up a couple of them then, thanks
If you still want them let me know. You can come by and look at them if you want. I opened the one I'm keeping, but the other 2 are still in their package.

Yes, they use 2 "D" cell batteries and I think they last 1-2 days. Mine lasted at least 1 day. That is all I needed it for.

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Post by snoopdog »

110chadman wrote:the ones from wallyworld will run up tp about 30 hours on one d battery the other slot for the d battery ( it is connected it runs in series ) if you have them both hoocked it still only last for about 30-35 hours i ran about 4 of them in my cans with the fish and live rock but i had lost it all it for real hot in my new place i think ill have to get a chiller


CORRECT, when you put the extra battery in they run in parallel and you get around 2 days on two duracells.
"When they was no meat we ate fowl, when there was no fowl we ate crawdad. And when there was no crawdad to be found, we ate sand."--Cellmate
"You ate what?"--H.I.
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Eric L
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Post by Eric L »

Sorry to read about everyone's losses.

Another low-cost option: I had the air hose from my Penn-Plax battery air pump feeding into the base of a small, 12w powerhead. The powerhead was attached to a 750va UPS. The powerhead fractionated the air, keeping the DO high for many hours. It would run for about 10 hours on the UPS.

This was a budget set-up; UPSs like this can be Ebayed with new battery for about $60.

It's also an automatic system; everything turns on even if the power fails while you're gone.

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