"You can say any fool thing to a dog, and the dog will give you this look that says, `My God, you're RIGHT! I NEVER would've thought of that!'" - Dave Barry
40 gallon tall
15 gallon refugium
2.5 gallon mantis tank
"You can say any fool thing to a dog, and the dog will give you this look that says, `My God, you're RIGHT! I NEVER would've thought of that!'" - Dave Barry
40 gallon tall
15 gallon refugium
2.5 gallon mantis tank
I see your point and how you could come to that conclusion, its a fallacy of mine to spew words before thinking, I'll have to work harder to stay on top of things.
"When they was no meat we ate fowl, when there was no fowl we ate crawdad. And when there was no crawdad to be found, we ate sand."--Cellmate
"You ate what?"--H.I.
"We ate sand."--Cellmate
"You ate sand?"--H.I.
"That's right."--Cellmate
Thanks.. he's a cool little fellow, doesn't mess with anything, has never left the anemone.. I mean even climbed off it for a second, since he's been in there. I think I've had him since June.
He's probably the only reason the anemone hasn't eaten the fish