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Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2003 8:01 pm
by reeferpuffer
well, i lost my blue acro today, went to work and it was looking great, i come home and the flesh is just hanging off the coral, and solid white...on top of a bad day at work, plus a nasty climate...crappy day :cry:
i still dont understand what went wrong, it may have been a pathogen or water quality...i dunno...oh well, i think im done with sps corals, to sensitive to stress over, i may just stear clear of acros, cause my monti's and porites are all ok..(sighs) this has been such a great day

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 8:56 pm
by Scott
That sucks, I have had it happen. I have had softies die right next to healthy softies too though. Did you come up with any changes or water quality issues?


Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 9:57 pm
by Scott
I just had a similar thing happen too. I got some frags in the mail last Friday and had only a short time to acclimate them. My water level was low so I turned the kalk drip up and had only 3 gallons of make up water on hand. I acclimated the frags and added the makeup water that was used in acclimation. I left with the kalk still going. When I got home the tank was nearly overflowing and the specific gravity had dropped from 1.026 to 1.024. One new frag had bleached and another bleach Sunday. I still got 6 for only the cost of shipping so it's not too bad. I used all the salt that I had to do a water change but I can tell my corals are still stressed. I just hate to lose even one, but sometimes you have to make a mistake to learn a lesson.
