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New Here

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:33 am
by michaelh218
Hi guys, I've spend most of my adult life in Baldwin County but have been in Utah for the last 5 years (brrrr) and just got back a few months ago.
I currently have three tanks set up (yes I have a bad case of MTS) and one on standby.

Current salt water set up is a 47 gal with T5HO, magnum canister and an hang on back filter with two bio wheels (was rated for 75 I think) It has been in cycle for about three months now. Current livestock are a few snails, 3 shrimp and a couple of mohawk blennies all came from the west beach bridge area in Gulf Shores. These critters are temporary except the shrimp as once I get a protein skimmer, a power head, and some live rock I'll be working on making it a reef tank.

I am interested in joining your organization but didn't see any postings regarding dues, meeting times or other such things any information on this is appreciated. Also, do you accept people new to salt water? I've done research mainly over at another forum that out of respect for you guys, I won't mention and have learned a lot of theory, just not a lot of practical knowledge yet.

I also have a 55g live bearer tank with live plants (trying to talk the wife into another T5HO for that one) so I'm looking for a fresh water club as well so suggestions there would be appreciated.

Anyway, enough about me, I look forward to getting to know you folks.

Re: New Here

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 6:50 am
by Fishfood
Welcome, I'm sure you might get a few opinions about the bio-wheels and canister filter for the reef tank. Not the norm in saltwater. The site is an imformal site. No dues and there hasn't been a meeting in years. More or less its a place to get some help and look for trades and things for sale.

Re: New Here

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 8:40 am
by michaelh218
I appreciate it.

Of course I'd RATHER have a sump but 2 things, one is its only a 47 (kinda small for a sump setup I would think) and 2 don't quite have the room ;)
Thanks for the info and the welcome.

Re: New Here

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:40 am
by Fishfood
If you are looking for a club that has dues and meetings check out They basically cover from Mobile to Panama City with most of the events taking place in Pensacola/Fort Walton area. I think they have 4 meetings a year.

A sump is completely duable for that size tank, and I would argue it is more beneficial to a smaller tank than a large one just because of the added water volume. I have a 29 gal tank with a 10 gal sump. To be honest though one of the nicest tanks I've seen recently was sumpless, but it also didn't have any bio-wheels or canister filters. Just an extremely nice in tank skimmer and lots of live rock.

Re: New Here

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:01 am
by michaelh218
I'll definately check out that link thanks.

so all they had was a protein skimmer and live rock? I'm assuming he also had live sand?
figured the bio wheel was just extra space for the biological organisms we need to break down the bad stuff.

You got a link to a pic of that tank? I'd love to see it.