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Console Gamers

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 6:19 am
by opiy
Is anyone getting the new Dante's Inferno? I might will pick it up this weekend. I can't wait.

God of War 3 is coming out soon also !! :D :D

Re: Console Gamers

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 1:31 pm
by Amphiprion
I may rent Dante's Inferno, but I'm mainly holding out of God of War III. I actually never bought the previous games (just rented them and beat them) until I recently got the new PS3 disc "God of War Collection". The games have been upscaled to full HD and you can definitely see the difference.

Re: Console Gamers

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:37 pm
by opiy
I got the collection for Christmas but haven't spent nearly enough time on them. If you play part one and then part three the graphics difference is insane.

I bought Darksiders when it came out and it was a pretty cool game. There were a few times I got pissed with it but hung in there and got it finished. It is a puzzles game or atleast that is what I call it. You have to put something somewhere or move something in order to gain access to another place or thing. Unfortunately it isn't a game that makes you want to play it over and over. Nothing unlocks when you beat it :( There were a few things I never did get but I haven't been to compelled to try and search the game to find them either.

Re: Console Gamers

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:55 pm
by Amphiprion
that's what I'd heard about Darksiders--that all it will do is piss you off. Not the kinda game I want, because I'm prone to throwing controllers, etc. enough as it is. I've had to replace one DualShock 3 already. :lol:

Re: Console Gamers

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 10:00 pm
by opiy
LOL that is some costly anger. IMO it was a cool game but frustrating also. I think it could be a game worth playing once but since you rent that may be a better route to take or pick one up used to save some $$.

Re: Console Gamers

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:33 pm
by Amphiprion
Something I meant to add was that you can download the demos for almost any of these games for free on Playstation Network. I went ahead and downloaded Dante's Inferno, but haven't played it yet.

Edit: Just played it for a while and I really like it. It is very eerily similar to God of War in terms of fighting, control scheme, and even down to the timed button pressing. Pretty fun, IMHO.