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First tank

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 11:30 am
by Mems
Hello all I'm brand new to this board and I've never had a SW tank. I've been reading everything I can trying to decide on what to buy. I keep coming back to the Coralife Biocube 29 as the best deal at about 250.00 bucks. I'm thinking this might be a good choice but now I'm seeing most people ad in a refugium so should I start with this and later add a refugium or should I get a used tank and then buy all the components? I think in my limited knowledge I need to go LED so I won't have the heat issues. I'm pretty sure I want to skip the fish and just concentrate on coral at first so I can learn the chemistry. I'm in Fairhope Al and I can't seem to find a store to go to to look at a the tanks but if I get the 29 Coralife I'm getting it from Amazon because it's the best deal. Am I about to make a rookie mistake or any advice y'all have would be appreciated? If anyone is close to where I live and wouldn't mind me looking at their setup that would be great too.


Re: First tank

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 10:29 am
by salt_for_brains
I started out with 29g biocube back in 2006. I ended up doing a lot of modifications on it like removing the bioballs, upgrading the lighting, and some changes on the back compartments. There are a lot of mods out there for the cube. Being new at the time I had some problems with water chemistry especially nitrates but as I learned things started falling into place. I wouldn't say you are setting yourself up for failure but just be aware you will need to make some changes to make it better.

There are a couple of stores in Mobile that have saltwater livestock and supplies--- B&B Petstop and Progressive Marine (both have websites so you can get directions).

Re: First tank

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 11:45 am
by Mems
Thanks for the reply. I've been watching a bunch of you tubes and I think I'm going to get new inserts for the back compartments and maybe get a retrofit new hood from a place called Steve's LEDs but wow a new full spectrum LED hood from them is close to 400.00 bucks by itself but the reviews say its worth it. Thanks for letting me know about the stores in Mobile. I can see already it's going to easy to drop a grand to just get started. I'll have to do it it in several purchases spread out a bit.

Re: First tank

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 3:26 pm
by Mems
Hey thanks again I went to B and B's pet store web site and it looks like that will be a great place to go to get a good look at some tanks. I'll probably go there in the next couple days.

Re: First tank

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 5:19 pm
by Mems
Well I went to B and B and I fell in love with a Trigger fish so now I'm having to reevaluate my tank size. I was set on getting the Biocube 29 g but now I'm looking for a used tank in the 55 g range. I think I'm going to go with just the one Triggerfish probably a Clown but maybe another type. I think if I get a Trigger fish and a 55 g with intentions of moving up to a 150 g within a year that should suit the fish if I buy one about four inches. Thought?

Re: First tank

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 9:23 pm
by Amphiprion
Mems wrote:Well I went to B and B and I fell in love with a Trigger fish so now I'm having to reevaluate my tank size. I was set on getting the Biocube 29 g but now I'm looking for a used tank in the 55 g range. I think I'm going to go with just the one Triggerfish probably a Clown but maybe another type. I think if I get a Trigger fish and a 55 g with intentions of moving up to a 150 g within a year that should suit the fish if I buy one about four inches. Thought?
Seems like a reasonable plan. You're undoubtedly going to need the larger tank for the clown triggerfish in the future--they regularly reach around 12" in length and above. The largest specimens are just under 20". 55g for a smaller specimen by itself is probably what I'd consider close to the minimum, but should be okay as long as you plan to upgrade.

One thing you need to consider is whether or not you think you'll be content with just the triggerfish for a while. At the very least, be aware of the implications/limitations that having certain triggerfish species will create as far as other stocking options go. Just be sure to plan accordingly when you choose what triggerfish you would like.

Re: First tank

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 9:38 am
by Mems
Thanks for the reply. I just bought a 75 gallon tank and they threw in a 55 gallon as well because they were moving. So I'm going to setup the 75 for the Triggerfish. I've been reading a bunch of stuff online about the Triggerfish and now I'm leaning towards a Niger or a Blueline mainly because I've read that the Clown can go Psycho on you and they have a high mortality rate if they are tiny. I've got a long way to before I buy a fish as I have to set up the tank and get all the right equipment. I think if I can keep it alive for a year I'll get maybe a 200 gallon plus tank for the Trigger to grow into and use the 55 as a refugium. I need to visit some stores and really look at these fish. B and B only have one Trigger and it's a Blueline and it's really striking.

Re: First tank

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 10:05 am
by salt_for_brains
Please don't take this the wrong way and by no means am I trying to offend you. All of us that have been in the hobby a while have heard this statement so many times "I am going to upgrade to a bigger tank when the fish gets bigger". Some people actually do upgrade but it seems more do not. Trigger fish even small ones are very active and are always zooming around the tank. They are beautiful fish and when I had my 150g I had a Niger that was a great addition. As stated they get pretty large. In a lot of cases even when you buy the fish small there can still be stress because the fish needs more room.

Keep in mind there are a lot of cool fish out there that will fit perfectly in a 75g tank. I can PM you a couple websites if you would like that I have bought very nice and healthy fish.

Ultimately, it is your tank and you can put whatever you want in your tank. I just want you to be successful with your tank and the livestock you introduce. It seems you are doing your research which is a great thing :D

Re: First tank

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 11:55 am
by Mems
Thanks again for your advice. Yeah I'd love some good websites to order from. I'm nervous about getting a fish local because I'm thinking the fish will be stressed once when it's sent to the store and then again when I pick it up, I'd rather just have the fish overnight delivered and then put them in my tank. I have researched a bunch but I'd rather order from a place that someone like you recommends. This Hobby will be replacing a hobby I gave up where I spend many thousands of dollars so I'm prepared to drop some money but over time so I'm already looking at 125 gallon plus tanks. It might be a year before the upgrade happens but I know it will be needed for the fishes health. I'm really thinking of the Blueline or the Clown right now but I've only seen two Triggers in real life so far. I've watched a hundred or so you tubes but as far as really seeing them it's only two. I saw a healththy looking small Bluline At a store in Mobile and a unhealthy looking Picasso in a store in Pensacola yesterday.

Re: First tank

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 11:56 am
by Mems

Re: First tank

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 4:17 pm
by Mems
Been thinking about what you said about people getting these fish with the intentions of upgrading and I've seen so many youtubes of people with Triggers in really small tanks saying they are going to upgrade. I really don't think many of them will and that's not fair to the fish. I don't want to risk being one of those people so I think I need to rule out the Triggers that get really big. I'm thinking that as pretty as the Clown and the Bluelined are they would require a very large tank within a few years and I can't be sure I'd be ably to be in one much bigger than a 125. From what I've read the Undulated Trigger could be OK in a 125 as long as it's the only fish in the tank. I've read that they can sometimes be a fish that wants to hide in its cave all the time and I want a fish that swims around a little more. It's really hard to tell what's accurate because you hear so many different views on the internet. I'm sure a lot has to do with the individual fish. I do think that with the Undulate that having any other fish in the tank is a bad idea not for the sixe so much as it seems that eventually the Trigger will kill everything in the tank. I know they are about the most aggressive fish out there but I've read they can be very interactive with their owners and even eat out your hand. So anyone want to chime in on if I'm on the right path or am I totally wrong? Seems like the more I read about these fish the more I have to reevaluate the choice of which Trigger but I'm still wanting a Trigger.

Re: First tank

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 6:39 am
by salt_for_brains
I sent you a PM of those sites I was talking about.

Sounds like you are getting your plan together. Are you going to be happy with only one fish in the tank? Although I have seen people with that trigger and other very aggressive fish in the tank. Predator tanks are very cool and some of the prettiest fish seem to fall in that group. Also keep in mind that triggers will pick up stuff in the tank like live rock and move it around which can cause an avalanche if your pile isn't set up sturdy or attached.