Insight in anemones

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Insight in anemones

Post by SadaAesix »

Hello folks I have some questions in reference to anemones. I have a really cheap purple tipped haitian condi. He's been moving since I had him so I know he's pretty unhappy. The frequency of him moving is at least once every other day as of late. When it was first placed in my tank it copped a squat and stayed for a little over a week. I have noted some strange things so I will list them and hopefully someone can tell me what's up.
1. I noted it expelled some brownish, sticky, thick secretion. I thought it was expelling waste, but I have read where it may have expelled it's zoo...
2. Earlier this evening when walking by I noted it was shrunken and seemed like it was dying. I further noted some white fluffy stuff floating near it. I did not see it coming from the condi however, it was just near or under it. The tentacles were completely limp and drawn up and they were no longer white, they are a shade of brownish-green, sorta pretty really. The anemone, when I checked was securely holding onto the rock. It has a firm toe hold. It is now, some 15-20 minutes later and fattening it's tentacles back up and looking it's normal full self. Is this normal behavior for them? Would appreciate any info. Thanks
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Post by Dxtr »

sounds normal to me. Remember that they are sacks of water, and they need to expell not only the brown goo, but the old water as well. I thought the same thing yhou did the first time I saw my condi all shrivelled up. Keep an eye on him and post updates.

Good luck

Peace! - Dxtr
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Post by Amphiprion »

Your condy is exhibiting perfectly normal behavior (in regards to deflating, etc.), so I wouldn't worry. As far as movement is concerned, there are several potential things it could be:

1. Incorrect water parameters (usually results in anemone completely detaching).
2. Incorrect lighting (not enough)usually takes a while to have an effect, i.e. months. Too much lighting (at least at first) will cause a quicker reaction.
3. Incorrect substrate--an immediate problem, will search until satisfied. Condies are rock dwelling anemones, preferring a nice crevice, so you should be covered there.
4. Incorrect water flow--pretty quick reaction, resulting in wandering
5. Incorrect or not enough food--can be a rapid or slower reaction, depending upon the health of the anemone and the conditions prior to you buying it.

In any case, I recommend feeding AT LEAST 2-3 times a week. I prefer to feed mine every other day, but that can result in a BIG anemone after a while. Go ahead and cover your bases and see if you can't fix the problem. Maybe list setup, water params, etc.

25g planted nature aquarium
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