Since you haven't had a good rant from me in a while

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Astrea snail
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Since you haven't had a good rant from me in a while

Post by sb1227 »

Maybe it's about time. Those of you who know me won't take this the wrong way, and I have been overworking for months I can blow off a bit here. :lol:

My issue is this, ths number of people who use this forum as simply a means of selling their stuff......the one's who never offer ideas, ask questions or post at all on the discussion forums. I find it utterly frustrating that you can use this forum to make money, yet never bother to offer to help with it's upkeep. If you check the thread "renewal time" Kevin has made it pretty simple how little it actually costs to keep this forum alive and going.He spends alot of time and effort keeping it running, and should not be the one to keep up the costs too. It's really not so much to ask. Those who are willing to offer their opinions, experience..etc. to the discussion forums do at least give of themselves. Those who use it only for the sale forums might consider donating 5 dollars of what you sell for the ability to get the word out, if nothing else. Geezzz, Ebay charges, the newspaper charges....Kevin doesn't.

Keep that in mind....won't you? What you do with it is your decision, I just needed to speak my mind.

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Post by reefman8471 »

I'm all for that Sue!!!

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Post by woolyt2 »

thats true . sue ...i know of some people like that here.. i dont say much but i do buy and i think that if you use the site you should help ..i got some things from you for that but if i can do more just give me a pm ...and i will do what i can ...
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Post by Amphiprion »

I agree. I have admittedly only bought from a member here once, but I give to the site both monetarily and informationally whenever possible. I think for a free service, it more than serves its purpose by helping many people--whether it is to buy/sell/trade something or to find out what is going on in their tank.

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Post by snoopdog »

I also promised back years ago when the original members nominated me to do the site :o that I would always keep this site banner and ad free which I have done. I do not like the idea of slowing people down with ads or infecting there computers with spyware.

I personally do not spend much time here anymore but I do check it daily to make sure the bots do not find there way back here. I have gotten so involved with programming and certifications that I do not have much time for the site or my tanks, but do enough to keep it all running. Renewal time this year came real close to when a drunk driver hit me and totaled my car, I was not up to par with life then anyway.

I appreciate sb1227 remarks, he/she donates every year and normally has donated enough for several people. I did not start this to be a business nor do I ever want it to be, nothing like Reefcentral and those guys. Originally the site was a means to learn PHP and programming and well it was definitely a learning experience. Hopefully my Linux certification training will be done before summer and I can get back to coding this site and making it a better place for everyone to visit.
"When they was no meat we ate fowl, when there was no fowl we ate crawdad. And when there was no crawdad to be found, we ate sand."--Cellmate
"You ate what?"--H.I.
"We ate sand."--Cellmate
"You ate sand?"--H.I.
"That's right."--Cellmate
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